Suicide continues to remain a tragic phenomenon, of extreme drama, in the life of a person, in particular, but also in the life of the family and the community, in general. Some of the suicide attempts may materialize in practice and the subject dies, while others may fail, for a variety of reasons. Regardless of the situation, however, the family, those close to the subject, experts (psychologists, social workers, doctors, coworkers, bosses, etc.), the community, must read the signs that may announce a suicide attempt.
This is only possible through a solid interpersonal relationship with people who are prone to suicide, on the one hand, and through intensive suicide prevention work, especially within communities, on the other. The causes of triggering suicidal ideation can be extremely diverse, from case to case (revenge, release, punishment, ending suffering, (self) devaluation, guilt, lack of help, substance abuse, drugs, alcohol, etc.), mental illnesses, etc.the loss of a loved one, and the means of carrying out the suicidal act can also be extremely different, depending on the subject (motivation, age group, tools at hand that can lead to suicide – drugs, rope, gun, throwingthe front of the train or empty, from a height, etc.).
Some people may keep the suicidal act a secret, while others may talk or even threaten about what they are going to do to carry it out.
Regardless of the situation, however, everyone who can help should read the signs that herald such a dramatic event and seek professional help to help prevent suicide.
Special attention should be paid to vulnerable people: teenagers, people with a history of suicide, subjects in desperate situations, mentally ill people, people who suffer deeply, etc.
In general, with appropriate psychological support, suicide should be preventable and life should count and take its natural course.
Your life matters, YOU MATTER!If you need help, don’t hesitate to ask for it!