One of the concerns of the Diplomacy, Security and Defense Research Organization (DSD RO) is oriented towards a field less studied in Romania – women entrepreneurs.
Judging by the statistics, it seems that in Romania, 47% of companies have women as entrepreneurs(https://start-up.ro/studiu-in-antrepreneuriatul-romanesc-1-din-4-companii-este-detinuta-de-women/ ).Although the percentage seems high, in reality, the turnover of companies owned by women, in total, stay much lower in profit, than those companies owned by men.
Although the revenue of the company is not an end in itself, however, the encouragement of women to get involved in entrepreneurship should continue, at the national level, at least at the level of the European Union.
Ensuring the security of female entrepreneurs in Romania is an important concern of the central authorities (at the ministerial level), which periodically develop various programs to encourage female entrepreneurship.Along with these financial aids, some banks provide non-refundable financing programs (up to 95%), to stimulate women’s involvement in entrepreneurial activities.
For example, the Woman Entrepreneur Program is addressed to companies from all over the country that have a woman in their shareholding structure who owns at least 50% of the social capital structure.In accessing the Woman Entrepreneur 2024 program, the date of establishment of the company is not taken into account.
From a psychological perspective, it seems that the involvement of women in entrepreneurship, management and leadership actions is beneficial, both for the person who assumes this responsibility, but also for the company, and society in general.Women entrepreneurs have taught us that they are very concentrating to details, responsible, dedicated to the work for which they have engaged, innovative and creative, caring towards employees and towards the real problems of the company, ambitious, adaptable, good communicators and with aremarkably high sense of social utility.
Unfortunately, there are also multiple obstacles in the way of women who want to become entrepreneurs or who want to promote to high management or leadership positions.The main impediments refer to a whole range of abdications and even discriminations, such as: at the family level – the care of young children;postponement of employment in family life, for career;discriminatory local customs, which continue to parasitize their success in business and promotion;the women’s own doubt that they cannot succeed with their idea;lack of support from spouses;the misogynistic attitudes of some men, etc.
However, women have managed to reach almost parity with men in more and more areas of society, including areas and professions considered, not long ago, taboo for women.
DSD RO wish women entrepreneurs, managers and/or leaders SUCCESS in the process for which they committed themselves!
- https://fast-start.ro/grants/13
- https://reiden.ro/works/femeia-antreprenor/
- https://www.alphabank.ro/imm/credite/fonduri-nerambursabile/femeia-manager
- https://conaf.ro/
- https://start-up.ro/
- https://www.neotrust.ro/fonduri-nerambursabile-pentru-femei/
- https://www.brd.ro/companii/euromentor/femeia-antreprenor
- https://www.cec.ro/presa/cec-bank-acorda-finantari-programul-femeia-antreprenor