1. Get ready for the end of the work schedule. 15 – 20 minutes before the time of completion of the work schedule, try to finish or stop at a certain point of the works you have in progress. Constantly staying behind schedule gives the image of a person who is unable to complete tasks in the allotted time or you are a disorganized person. You definitely don’t want this!
  1. Evaluate what you did that day. Each person should start the work program with a list of things to do and end it with an assessment of what he/she has been done. Sometimes, other items that were not originally planned enter in the initial list. Be ready to change the priorities set again. Be prepared for such a situation and, at the end of the program, update the list of what you accomplished that day. This will give you a sense of usefulness and teach you to organize your time better in the future, if necessary.
  1. Prepare your ”To do list” for the next day. Planned people manage time much better and manage to work relaxed. Be prepared to update the list with new tasks and possibly re-evaluate priorities. The next day, first thing in the morning you will know much better what you have to do and you will go to work with more determination, to everyone’s amazement. This shows that you are determined, organized, flexible and adaptable to the challenges of the work environment. Bosses will immediately notice this behaviour and appreciate it positively.
  1. Do not send assignments for colleagues at the end of the program. It is obvious that no one will get around to solving a new assignment at the end of the program. Or, you will force others to stay overtime in certain situations. This gesture will create great discomfort for the people who receive such “hot gift” and will force them to go home with the feeling of the unresolved matter and with… a bad opinion of you. You certainly don’t want that!
  1. Thank your colleagues, if appropriate. Some things don’t fix themselves. In a collective, many problems are solved by the contribution of several team members. It is possible that during working hours you will not be able to say “thank you” or realize how important the help of a colleague was. You have this opportunity when the service hours are completed. Your gesture will be greatly appreciated by your colleagues/bosses/subordinates and you will contribute to their well-being in a significant way. Don’t hesitate to do it!
  1. Arrange your workplace so that the next day you will be glad to resume work. Thus, you can arrange your office or the place you are responsible for (switch off the appliances, put the objects that should not be on the desk in the drawer, hand over some documents or put them in the file, do a little cleaning, clean the coffee cup etc.). One may arrange a dear object (a photo, an ornament, a vase with a flower, etc.) or a plant on the desk, so when you return to the program, the next day it welcomes you and creates a feeling of well-being. What do you like to find on your desk?
  1. Give yourself a few minutes to prepare for departure. This could include: getting dressed, going to the bathroom, hydrating, checking your wallet, keys, phone, etc. Leaving in a hurry can generate sustained discomfort during the return home, either of a physiological nature or of an intellectual nature, which will induce negative emotions. You definitely don’t want this.
  1. Exchange a few friendly words with colleagues. It is preferable not to talk about work. You had enough time for that during the program. You can approach neutral topics (the weather, a joke, a compliment, a recommendation for an art event, a small personal matter, a compliment, etc.). This behaviour will help you leave your problems at work, at work, and not take them home with you.
  1. Resists at work until the last minute. It is very important that employees respect the working hours. Leaving work, even a few minutes before, is viewed negatively by bosses and even colleagues, who tend to say that the person in question is “in a hurry to break the gate”. In some organizations there are even customs related to voluntarily staying overtime, 5-15 minutes, precisely to show that employees are loyal to the company. Obviously, the other extreme of staying overtime indefinitely is not recommended either, and is even harmful to employees and the organization. So, meeting the departure time from the program proves the level of responsibility, loyalty, commitment, determination, interest and discipline of the employees.
  1. Don’t forget to greet your colleagues when you leave. This is not only polite, but also has a positive role in uniting the work team and providing “team feeling”. The greeting demonstrates superior psycho-moral qualities on the part of the one who expresses it, such as: respect, appreciation, good education, cohesion and belonging to the team, etc.