Protecting the natural environment is a laborious endeavor that involves significant material resources, but most importantly, human resources.

The people involved in protecting the natural environment represent, by far, the most complex aspect of protecting nature. Thus, the allocation of material or financial resources, however many they may be, without adequate psychological training of the people who get involved in environmental projects, represents a waste.

Moreover, it is essential for the people benefiting from these resources to understand the due process, therefore spending by governments, international organizations, and private institutions must consider who’s running the programs.

That is why the ERASMUS+ project, “Environment Security, Our Future Security” (E-SEC), through its activities, especially through those involving international participation, represents a viable and pragmatic solution to solve one of the biggest problems related to protecting the natural environment – namely, understanding this approach and consciously taking some measures. Thus, the teams of the two organizations involved in the E-SEC project – Diplomacy, Security and Defense Research Organization (DSD RO) and Igor Vitale International srl (IVIsrl)understood their mission and fully committed themselves to the responsible implementation of this project, which emphasizes, par excellence, the formation of motivations, attitudes, behaviors, and pro-environmental values.

These will help project participants understand the environmental imperatives of the Planet, and serve as messengers to their, relatives, and society. The synchronization and coordination meetings of the two organizations, DSD RO &IVIsrl allowed the achievement of the proposed objectives, step by step, for each of the planned activities. At the same time, the invitation of experts from Romania to Italy, during some workshops and vice versa, enhanced the project, as it allowed the multiplication of the program’s results to a wide, receptive public.

We expect, therefore, that the GREEN message resulting from each activity of the E-SEC project will reach as many people as possible and, moreover, that it will reach the minds and hearts of people so that we can grant our environment, humanity, and the Planet, a chance for a better future.

The international exchange and the Romanian’s team participation in the workshops organized by IVI srl in Bologna represented a real success for the Project and for the ERASMUS+ Program.