1. Be optimistic. Try to see the good in everything that happens;
  2. Talk to people you trust about your problems. Sometimes you may get good advice or even come up with a good idea in the process.
  3. Focus on solving the problem. This approach stimulates thinking and saves time. Some people waste time and energy complaining and blaming themselves or others.
  4. Relax. A relaxed person will be more likely to solve a problem because the field of perception widens and discovers better solutions or even more options for solving a problem.
  5. Think “out of the box”. This thinking helps the subject find original solutions in a shorter time, even to some problems that seem unsolvable.
  6. Rest, hydrate, eat healthy and exercise. There is always a direct link between physical and mental health. A body that is rested, hydrated, well nourished and in good physical condition will be more likely to overcome life’s obstacles than one that suffers from lack of rest, water, healthy food and poor physical condition. Balance effort with rest as best you can. Don’t overdo it!
  7. Set goals and objectives in life. Any remarkable achievement in life starts with good organization. Every step, no matter how small, counts. Remember, goals must be realistic and achievable!
  8. Be flexible. Sometimes you need to make adjustments in your own life to overcome some delicate moments (loss of a loved one, separation from a loved one, going on a long trip, losing your job, etc.). Analyze your resources and become a phoenix to rise from the ashes, if necessary. Think of every failure as an opportunity for a new beginning.
  9. Develop your sense of humor. Research has shown that people with a good sense of humor get over unpleasant aspects of life more quickly. Making fun of trouble can be very helpful in many situations. Do something funny sometimes. Don’t forget to smile!
  10. Be honest with yourself. Some people have a habit of overestimating or underestimating themselves in front of others. But you should always be honest with yourself. Not critical, just honest. You can accept who you are by focusing on your strengths and avoiding your weaknesses.