- Make sure you know exactly what the objectives of the organization you are leading are. By excellence, the manager’s role is to implement the leader’s vision/concept in real life. To ensure that he or she does this, the manager needs to have a very good understanding of the purpose of the organization and the goals it has to achieve.
- Make sure the activities you have to do are well planned and properly budgeted. Implementing a course of action is a laborious undertaking that requires exemplary planning of all the resources at your disposal (human, material, financial, market, political, social, security, information, intelligence, etc.). The deadlines for achieving the proposed objectives are important, and the prioritization of priorities is sometimes an intrinsic attribute of the manager.
- Make sure you have a team of people you can rely on. Everything is done with people. From conception to execution (even simple supervision), people are present in any social entity. It is therefore the manager’s duty to build a team that is able to respond adequately to a wide range of professional tasks and responsibilities. Selecting, hiring, motivating, training/skilling and retaining staff are priorities for any successful manager. In this context, the trust of the team in the manager and of the manager in the team is essential. Make sure you do everything possible for the professional development of the team as a whole and of each individual member.
- Make sure there is good communication in the organization. Communication is essential for a manager. This can be both hierarchical and horizontal. For a successful manager, it is fundamental that the designed communication flow works optimally and that the required information reaches the manager in a timely, complete and undistorted volume in order to be able to make the best decisions for the organization. Any disruption of this communication flow or distortion of it can affect the decision-making process and the efficiency of the organization. The manager will also need to consider a public diplomacy mechanism as part of the communication process, important for the community/society to properly understand the usefulness and role of that organization. Therefore, communicate with people continuously, both vertically and horizontally. Communication also means listening to people.
- Give responsibilities to team members. To make things work well, psychological studies have shown that people who have been given clear responsibilities are more engaged, more active, more cautious and more loyal to the organization than those who have not been given such responsibilities and skills. In fact, no one manager can cover all areas of interest, and the appointment of specialists is crucial to the effectiveness of the organization. It is therefore advisable to delegate authority and even decentralize in some cases.
- Make decisions. People expect managers to make decisions. Fear of making decisions, even tough for people, but, good for the organization is sanctioned not only by the leader, but also by people. Because a bad decision can be corrected, it is considered better than no decision.
- Set clear goals and realistic expectations. Setting goals and expectations is one of the most effective levers to ensure the success of the organization. People in your organization need a clear mission to succeed. At the same time, they need to know what they need to do so that their work is appreciated and they are promoted/rewarded when they perform their tasks. Using SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely) in setting targets can be an optimal solution (i.e. targets should be: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely).
- Believe that success belongs to the team and failure to the manager. Be accountable and do the best you can for the organization and its people. Mentor, coach, help if needed, but don’t try to replace every team member. Everyone needs to know that they have a responsibility for their area of expertise.
- Be moral and ethical. Ethics and morality in an organization are very important for staff morale and morale. Organizational effectiveness is determined, in the long run, by the perception of morality and ethics in the organization, and about 20% of organizational success is explained by these variables, regardless of the organization. That is why the successful manager must pay special attention to them during his or her tenure. Organizations that are traditionally based on a set of values can promote them more easily in the most diverse situations.
- Be adaptable. The manager needs to be best attuned to the environmental challenges facing the organization. He or she must foresee them in advance, estimate their effects on his or her organization and take the necessary measures to ensure that the organization suffers as little as possible. In this context, risk analysis is very important for the manager. This means being open to change, to reform, to innovation, to challenges, but also taking a reasonable level of risk for the organization. Creative people with initiative should be promoted and supported, as they can come up with ingenious solutions to seemingly hopeless situations. Be resilient.