The workshop: “Better Knowledge of the Close Natural Environment” aims to raise the awareness of the audience regarding in-depth knowledge of the natural environment in our neighbourhood – plants, animals, birds, insects, reptiles that live with us.

It is a practical-applied exercise on the protection of the natural environment, focused on the awareness that we humans share the same environment with many other living things: animals, birds, reptiles, insects, plants. This should also make us responsible for protecting their lives.

This Workshop has the role of stimulating the creativity, critical thinking and responsibility of the project participants regarding the inventory of living things that share the same natural environment with us and that are threatened if we do not help them.

The innovation consists in organizing the brainstorming session on the inventory of animals, birds, reptiles, insects and plants in our immediate vicinity, on the one hand and initiating actions to protect them, on the other hand. By joining this workshop, participants are able to talk about these living things, to signal some human actions that endanger them and to initiate concrete actions to protect animals, birds etc.

At the same time, the Green Album“My ZOO Garden in front of the house / block”, initiated during this workshop intends to make the public much more eager to protect animals, birds and other living things appropriately.

After carrying out this activity, we expect the participants to be more sensitive to the living things around us.