Strengthen a common set of values and develop cross-border civic skills, designed to stimulate active involvement and participation in actions to protect the natural environment and combat climate change is another major goal of the E-SEC Project.

In this regard, it is important for the E-SEC to increase its international visibility,by promoting concrete and quality actions, with long-term effects, in the field of adult education.

The results deriving from this objective are:

Firstly, strengthening a set of common, cross-border values ​​for the security of the natural environment and the fight against climate change, according with EU policy. These values ​​refer to: strengthening the feeling of individual and social responsibility towards the environment, social involvement, proactive attitude, respect for nature, respect for beingsthat live in the natural environment, openness to environmental issues, critical spirit and intransigence towards actions and entities that destroy the natural environment, European and international solidarity towards the protection of the natural environment, epistemological curiosity about new scientific discoveries designed to save the environment, promoting ideas that encourage saving the environment in communities, stimulating the exchange of views on saving the environment, increasing interconnectivity with other NGOs dealing with the security of the environment, etc.

Secondly, the aim is to develop a set of cross-border civic engagement skills, designed to stimulate a more active involvement in actions to protect the environment and combat climate change. It refers to: garbage sorting, garbage reduction, keeping the natural environment clean, energy saving, use of green energy, use of organic products, care for living things in the natural environment, use of “green” technologies, reuse of items, support of the items that were made with respect for the environment, the support of activities designed to protect the natural environment, etc.

Thirdly, it is important to raise the awareness of the participants in the E-SEC project about the context of the European Union and its understanding, in particular regarding the common values of the EU, the principles of unity and diversity, as well as cultural identity, cultural sensitivity and social heritage and history;

E-SEC aims to stimulate the civic attitude that determines citizens to actively participate in the democratic life of the society and community they belong to, by carrying out certain actions in order to save the natural environment, which can be positive examples for others.