”Security” is a complex, multifaceted concept that is constantly evolving.
Thus, starting from its basic meaning, namely to ensure a sufficient state of safety and protection for individual or collective entities, living or simple things, security has diversified its coverage area, so that, at present, almost that we do not find a field of life that does not refer, in one form or another, to “security”.
We are used to talking very easily about: “national security”, “international security”, “economic security”, “environmental and even planetary security”, “citizen security”, “cultural security”, “education security”, “energy security” “,” transport security “,” health security “,” psychological security “,” cyber security “,” social security “,” border security “,” critical infrastructure security “and an indefinite set of such security…
Regardless of which of the above aspects we refer to, we are considering the development of some forms of resilience, which will protect us against potential threats.
Ultimately, if we do not invest adequate and smart enough in “security”, the level of threat can increase exponentially, and everything that has been done up to a certain point, regardless of the field, can be compromised, destroyed, stolen, damaged, raped, affected by human or even natural hostile forces.
Therefore, threats and the state of “insecurity” can be generated both by natural entities, such as earthquakes, large fires, floods, desertification, global warming, ecological disasters, etc., and by human entities, whether individual or collective, which can be represented by: hostile military forces, terrorists, guerrillas, dictators, people with a deviant personality, criminals, opinion formers, etc., through a multitude of increasingly refined and subtle means (war, sabotage , economic warfare, hybrid warfare, subversion, fake news, etc.).
To achieve the “security state” can be taken more or less expensive measures, which can target both material aspects, such as: strengthening critical infrastructure, building tanks for oil storage, building strategic economic facilities, strengthening security systems and physical protection, increasing the firepower of military forces, strengthening the national police, forestation of certain areas etc., but also measures of an intangible nature, such as: international cooperation, thinking of solutions to meet as many as possible of interests, establishing minimum technological standards, rising the people’s resilience, thinking of virtual solutions for predicting dramatic natural events, surveillance of extremists and radicals, etc.
Therefore, a detailed analysis of these forms of security and their understanding will allow the design of viable risk prevention and crisis avoidance plans.
DSD RO aims to study various forms of “security” and to actively engage, together with other organizations, in designing efficient, tailored and intelligent solutions to increase security.