
”Defense” is connected primarily with military structures.

Confrontation between people and confrontation between people and other beings is one of the oldest habits of humanity. In fact, confrontation is present in any situation defined by nature, it ensuring survival, progress, prosperity, development. All this obviously belongs to the winners. The same can be said of human society.

Although no wars have been reported, such as the First and Second World Wars, in the last 70 years, the confrontation between different countries or groups of people has never stopped. Proof are: the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the 7-Day War, the Cold War, the Iraq War, the Afghan War, the Syrian War, the Anti-Terror War, civil wars in various countries, etc.

Therefore, it is observed nowadays that although the physiognomy of wars has changed to a certain extent, they continue to produce a large number of casualties, material destruction and unimaginable human suffering. In addition, the natural environment is also greatly affected, with serious consequences for the entire planet.

Obviously, the new weapons that were invented and put into use have generated new tactics and combat procedures. If, in the past, people fought, with each other with the sword, through direct contact, today, contact and perception of war are reduced to a minimum, at least for states with higher technologies (for example, launching a missile from an aerial drone, driven from thousands of kilometers away, by a person who finishes his 8-hour program and returns to the family without experiencing the suffering of the target he has just annihilated).

Today’s war has become extremely diverse, thanks to new technologies and has expanded its scope into spaces where no one could think, only 100 years ago. We are talking about war like this: underwater, underground, nuclear, cosmic, cybernetic, psychological, media, hybrid, technological, but also asymmetric war…

To ensure “defense” it is necessary that people who have responsibilities in this regard understand the deep meanings of the concept, but also other concepts that interact with the “defense”, such as: discouragement, psychology of the fighter, ideology, motivation to fight, resilience, morale, ergonomics, trust etc.

DSD RO aims to conduct, together with other organizations, research in the area of ​​”defense”, in order to understand both the intimate mechanisms of human confrontation and to find viable solutions to prevent armed conflicts in the future.